BORED? (0)

Monday, August 21, 2006 by , under

Check out Fancy Pants Man, an addictive lil' Flash game that will instantly remind you of Super Mario Bros, but with this very trendy doodlestyle flavor. (Now don't go around your agency saying, "Hey let's do this concept doodlestyle", because I just made the word up.)

This could make a great advergame for Nike's current "More Air. More World" campaign. Actually, it'd be perfect. I hope the folks at Wieden & Kennedy are watching. But now that I've said it, they probably won't.

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Monday, August 21, 2006 by , under

My vacations have been most EXCELLENT, thanks. I feel very refreshed. Very, umm, new. Yes, new. I am now ready to tackle the fact that summer is almost over. And now, jumping unpredictably from one topic to another, here's something smooth to start your day:



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Amnesty International (0)

Monday, August 21, 2006 by , under

"See more clearly". From DDB Hungary. (Thanks, TwentyFour!)

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Vida Silvestre : Desperate animals (0)

Monday, August 21, 2006 by , under

Vida Silvestre, a wildlife preservation society in Argentina, says : If you don't act and save some endangered species now, watch your back. (Actually, the copy says: "Few (insert animal here) are left). (Thanks, Vlan!)

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StumbleUpon (0)

Monday, August 21, 2006 by , under , ,

Are you of those who think terms like "surfing the web" or "navigating" or "exploring the cyberspace" are way, way out? Well, you're absolutely right. The cool thing to do now is "stumbling". Stumbling upon webpages gives you the bragging right to say you've found the coolest thing, aaaall by yourself. Well, a small company called "StumbleUpon" decided they would help you do some wicked stumbling. And thanks to them, soon people will be able to say "Hey, I've Stumbled this today".

The system is pretty simple. You (freely) register to StumbleUpon, and download their toolbar. (I personally hate software that adds toolbars to my browser, but this is different. Way different.) Then, you click a few boxes identifying your main areas of interest. Say, you like "sports" and "movies", and also ummm, "food". And you're done for the registering part.

Now, the fun part. Everytime you click the little "Stumble!" button on your toolbar, you're presented with a random original and interesting webpage, featuring content of your preselected preference. And you can be certain it will be original and interesting because it has been chosen by users like YOU, who thought it was original and interesting. And of course if you have a webpage you recommend for stumbling, you can propose it to StumbleUpon, and they will add it to their Stumbling database. It's that good. It's that simple.

This means GOOD WEBBAGE GUARANTEED. Everytime you fall on a new page, you can vote if you like it, or don't like it. If too many people don't like the choice, it gets flushed out.

Folks, while this is not a search engine or the next Google, I predict it will become VERY BIG. I could go on talking about the possibilities of such an engine, but it's early and I didn't have breakfast yet. But, check out StumbleUpon rrrright now. It's worth a download.

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Bloodbuster: Movies From B to Z (0)

Monday, August 21, 2006 by , under

Now this is fun. Bloodbuster is a store from Milan in Italy, specialized in B movies - the best, the worst. The copy reads: "You can't please everyone". Hee, hee, hee. (Thanks, CoolZ0r!)

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