Fantasia Festival 1

Friday, July 14, 2006 by , under

Love these ads from for the Montreal Fantasia Film Festival, from Diesel.
(Thanks Infopresse!)

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RedBull Promo (4)

Friday, July 14, 2006 by , under

Sorry everyone, I'm not having as much time to post as I'd like to these days, advertising keeps me busy -- AdKrispies NEEDS YOU! Really. If there are any contributors out there interested to write some krunchy goodness here and there, write me por favor, and I'll prepare
you a spot inside my heart.

Now - check this out. A box filled with 1000 blank puzzle pieces, and a can of Red Bull Energy Drink. On the box is written: "Bring it on". While I clearly get the message that Red Bull increases concentration, I wonder where this was distributed, to whom, and if it was part of a bigger campaign. Anyone knows?

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Amnesty International: Cut Them Out (2)

Friday, July 14, 2006 by , under

Simple and clever magazine for Amnesty International. Unfortunately I have no
idea of which agency produced the work, so if anyone would care to share...

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Celebrate Chimp Week 1

Friday, July 14, 2006 by , under

Two ads for the Wellington Zoo, where they always have a week dedicated to a special animal.
by Saatchi & Saatchi Wellington, New Zealand.

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