Love these ads from for the Montreal Fantasia Film Festival, from Diesel.
(Thanks Infopresse!)
Sorry everyone, I'm not having as much time to post as I'd like to these days, advertising keeps me busy -- AdKrispies NEEDS YOU! Really. If there are any contributors out there interested to write some krunchy goodness here and there, write me por favor, and I'll prepare
you a spot inside my heart.
Now - check this out. A box filled with 1000 blank puzzle pieces, and a can of Red Bull Energy Drink. On the box is written: "Bring it on". While I clearly get the message that Red Bull increases concentration, I wonder where this was distributed, to whom, and if it was part of a bigger campaign. Anyone knows?
Simple and clever magazine for Amnesty International. Unfortunately I have no
idea of which agency produced the work, so if anyone would care to share...