The Lynx Effect (0)

Monday, July 03, 2006 by , under

Lynx deodorant spray. Makes women go wild.

(btw, Lynx is the same as Axe, only for UK and Ireland. I don't really know why they changed the name. Maybe in Germany they'll call it Links, and you'll actually attract wild sausage. Who knows what they'll think of for France.)

(Thanks again Max)

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The Lost Cannes Lion (0)

Monday, July 03, 2006 by , under

This is hilarious. This guy Tom Ericksen got totally knackered at Cannes, and buried his agency's Lion somewhere at the Palm Beach Casino beach. He's set up a web page for people to help him find it back.

Find out about Tom's mishap here.

(Thanks Max)

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Amnesty International (0)

Monday, July 03, 2006 by , under

A simple and very brilliant poster ad for Amnesty International. Roughly adapted, the title says: "Signing brings change", and I think you'll get the picture. Courtesy of Allard-Johnson Communications Montreal.

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The Playstation Spot 1

Monday, July 03, 2006 by , under

AN INNOVATIVE, MEDIA-CONVERGENT idea from Sony: the Playstation Spot, a public interactive Wi-Fi hub that features downloadable games and content for your PSP device. Already extremely popular in Japan, the Playstation Spot is currently hitting Western Europe and Australia with 300 new Wi-Fi hubs available in stores, shopping malls, and some other public venues.

You can only marvel at possibilities of this new hub: mp3 downloads, videos, game previews, even streaming TV feeds - but I'm sure Sony already thought of it all. They're just waiting for society to catch up with them. Very zen.

The Playstation Spot, as featured in Sony's booth at E3 Expo 2006 in L.A.

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Mountain Dew - Mastery (0)

Monday, July 03, 2006 by , under

Find out what kind of kung-fu it takes to become master of the Dew. This should be a lesson kids: when you write a TV spot, don't forget to start with "The camera opens on a vast, canyon-side view of a Shaolin temple." That kind of thinking will get you places. (Via AdCritic)

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Sleek Audio Speakers : The Stripy (0)

Monday, July 03, 2006 by , under

Hey, happy monday everyone. I've decided to kick off this week's posting extravaganza with some new gadgets. Here's the Stripy Sound Series, a small yet powerful set of multipurpose mobile desktop speakers. Aside their sexy brush-metal finish and angled rotating heads, the dynamic duo also features touch-sensitive controls which you can steer to deliver a crystal-clear maximum of 13 watts of raw power, arf arf arf.

Check out these touch controls: they glow a different color according to the function being adjusted. Wooow.

You can use the Stripy on pretty much any device you own: iPod, Sony PSP, iMac, laptop, etc.

The Stripy is made by Music Studio in Honk Kong. I've browsed through their site but couldn't find a proper link to buy them online. I've made my little research on Ebay and here's the cheapest offer I've found. You can thank me right now.

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