A SuperMario interactive desktop background. Works on PC, and apparently on a Mac too. Just read the page's FAQ to find out how to install it for both versions, and impress your colleagues with this surabundance of old school cuteness.
Made by some guy nicknamed Shadow. Nice job.
Now, isn't that the paramount of cute. Introducing the Selk'bag, a new sleeping bag design that transforms your typical camper into a "deep woods" Teletubby. Perfect for sleeping, even better for running away from bears in style, the Selk'bag gives you full mobility and body-hugging comfort.
As you may not know, camping is second nature to me (no pun intended, copyright:me), and this gets my award for coolest gizmo of the year. I want one. Desperately. Now.
For more info, check out the designers' home page, Musuc (from Chile).
(Thanks ElectroPlankton)
Refreshing art direction on this bubbly Coke spot by director James Price, most undoubtedly a modern mix of unique, personal vision and Terry Gilliam influence. By Wieden + Kennedy.
(Thanks Adcritic!)